EQ Mastery for Business Leaders

Invest in Your (Mental) Health

How can mindfulness and emotional intelligence improve your business? Benefits include:

  • Increased Productivity
  • 20% Increased Customer Satisfaction
  • 37% Reduced Absenteesm
  • 65% Reduced turnover
  • Priceless sense of fulfillment

Continue reading to learn more!

Book A Complimentary Discovery Call

Our health has a huge impact on how we feel and act. A healthy and happy workforce drives a successful business. Too much stress takes a toll on health and negatively impacts our productivity. Our coaching empowers you to reach your full potential in health, wealth, and happiness.

Get the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to develop emotional intelligence and integrate healthy habits from within your company’s culture.

Create a Healthy & Supportive Work Environment

Everything is connected – health, relationships, finances, family, our environment. If we’re not in the best of health or having issues at home, that will affect your work life (and vice-versa). In developing our emotional intelligence we can understand our emotions, process our experiences, and make the best decisions in any scenario. Our employee wellness programs bring together proven practices of psychology, yoga, exercise, and business to help you reach your highest potential and feel fulfilled doing it.

Happy employees = happy customers = happy balance sheet = happy management & shareholders.

9 Weeks to Self-Mastery Training Series

The 9 weeks to Self-Mastery journey provides the knowledge and tools to bring mindfulness into our daily lives. Learn how to reach your highest levels of health, wealth, and happiness.
Seamlessly integrate practices like these in your business and life:

  • Stress Management
  • Mindfulness
  • EQ (Emotional Intelligence) Training
  • Intention Setting
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Sound Therapy
  • Yoga
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition

Benefits of Happy, Healthy, Employees

Bring mindfulness into the workplace to help increase productivity, foster community, and ultimately make everyone happier – both on the company side and client side.

We help companies save millions of dollars on healthcare & insurance costs, hiring & retention costs, and unproductive work hours by investing in health.

Get A World Class Experience

Jahmaal Hays-McIntyre, founder, has helped to transform the lives of thousands of people around the world through training, speaking, and award winning wellness experiences. He has over 10 years experience owning and running an international company and training healthcare practitioners. He lived in India for 5 years, where he studied yoga in depth and a variety of Eastern philosophies, such as Buddhism from the Dalai Lama’s translator.

Ultimately, Jahmaal knows health and he knows business. And a healthy business begins from within. His unique understanding of the mind, body, and business allow him to assess and educate on how we can be the most fulfilled, most productive, happiest version of ourselves and help those around us do the same.

Why Wait?

Be proactive! Don’t let your health become a liability!

Time is money and health is wealth. As time goes on, so do your employees, especially during The Great Resignation of our time. A paycheck and a couple insurance benefits are no longer enough to hold on to individuals with talent. That’s why it’s important to support your team’s sense of well-being and create an environment that is fulfilling to EVERYONE. Almost ALL participants report feeling more relaxed and want to continue wellness at work regularly.


Schedule a Call

We’ll explore how we can guide you or your team to reach your business’ full potential!


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More For your Business

Intensive Trainings

Our 2 day intensive programs to help you and your team get an EQ boost, master their emotions, and reach their full potential.

On-Going Wellness Programs

We support your team with resources and sessions to manage stress and transform their experience in the workplace with regular visits! Discover mindfulness, emotional intelligence, how to create mentally conducive work-spaces, healthy eating, mental health, exercise, and creating healthy habits overall.

  • Wellness Workshops and Presentations
  • Newsletters and Health Promotions
  • Stretch and Activity Breaks
  • Community Event Coordination and Outreach
  • Wellness Visits
  • Weight Management Programs
  • Physical Activity Campaigns
  • Behavior Change Programs
  • Personalized solutions
  • Break-room Overhauls