Summer is just about here, and with it, a plethora of updates!
First off, June is Men’s Health Month.
World Yoga Day is coming up.
Later in the summer we have another book release and updates the the aKash crypto token (
What is it? It’s more than a planner. Yes, you can write down your monthly and weekly tasks, but there’s so much more. Get reminders to be your best self, to give back to others, to check in with yourself and take out some YOU time. All with 15 minutes a day or less of planning.
Less time planning. More time doing.
Become a Master of the Universe – Order yours now
Your Guide to Self Mastery is Here!
We already know that everything is energy in different patterns that create our perceived reality. Everything from spoken language, solid objects, wi-fi signals, visible light and heat. Our thoughts are also patterns of energy that have an influence on our body and mind.
Be aware of your thoughts because every thought is like a repetition in an exercise for the brain. Know what patterns you are making stronger, and when a mental exercise (i.e. a thought is no longer healthy).