Summer is just about here, and with it, a plethora of updates!
First off, June is Men’s Health Month. As a reminder, health & wellness is something that is ongoing for everyone. Many aspects are like exercise or diet – you have to keep up the practice every day. It’s not something we can practice and be done with (Its not like you get fit from going to the gym a few times and then you never have to go again). We’ll discuss more about men’s health and mental health needs. We also look forward to World Yoga day on June 21st!

Later in the Summer, Jahmaal’s Transformational Mindfulness book will be released! If you haven’t had a chance, visit (which will soon be moving to its own page: to learn more about the cryptocurrency token to support health, wellness, and commodities like food. These are two exciting projects we are excited about as they represent healthy progress in the paradigm shift.
Stay cool out there!